KCEO & Marlboro College

Marlboro College in Vermont, USA

Over the years, Marin’s vision of hope and community education has influenced a long list of students, faculty, staff, and others, many of whom had been members of the Marlboro College community of Marlboro, Vermont, USA. Even though the college closed in 2020. The Marlboro College Community’s relationship K.C.E.O.’s extended family continues to grow, and today we feel honored to maintain and committed to enriching the shared vision. We are now working to increase the extended family to include a broader make-up of inspired supporters. In addition to raising funds for the Child Sponsorship Program there is the possibility of co-leading future community engagement trips from America to learn about how we can support K.C.E.O. and The Massachusetts Cambodia Clean Water Project.

The participants of Marlboro’s cross-cultural experiential learning trips to Cambodia greatly appreciate our Cambodian host community and the school. The cooperative work began with a trip to Cambodia in 2008 with professors Cathy Osman, John Willis, and Timothy Segar. Having made six community engagement trips before the college closed, our vision is to continue to cherish and maintain this relationship between our respective communities indefinitely for the benefit of all involved.

This effort to support KCEO is a  collaboration with Marlboro College Emeriti Visual Arts professors John Willis, Professor of Photography, Cathy Osman, Professor of Painting, and Timothy Segar, and Professor of Sculpture, Carol Hendrickson, Professor of Anthropology, and  Todd Smith, Professor of Chemistry now teaching at Emerson College, Matthew N. Czuba (class of 2016) and Michael Schneeweis (Marlboro class of 2014), and collaborators Pauline Brett, RN, and Nancy Shepard, Educator. We also extend many thanks to the generous services of dreamhost.com that make our online presence possible.